#10 Planting a Tree

Why Plant a Tree?

Trees care for us, they give us a place to rest, clean air to breathe, healthy soil, they keep us cool in the summer and warmer in the winter, beauty, they filter our water, provide homes for birds, bugs, squirrels, and us! We would not be able to live without the care they provide which is why we care for them back. Planting trees is one way to do that.

Find out how below!

No Trees vs. Trees

How does each picture make you feel different?

How to Plant a Tree


Download our printable instructions (in the form of a zine) HERE.

1. Find a good spot

Find a spot with plenty of room that is not too close to your house, a fence, or the street.

Click here to learn more tips on finding a spot!

2. Figure Out What Kind of Tree You Want

A big tree that grows tall, a broad tree with branches that stretch out wide, a little tree that stays close to the ground, or a narrow tree that stays close to the center.

Click here to learn more from the Tacoma Tree Foundation

3. Find a Tree to Plant

You can get a free tree from Tacoma Tree Foundation.

Ask a grownup to check out the Tacoma Tree Foundation calendar to see when the next one happens.

You and your grownup can also get trees from Pierce Conservation District, City of Tacoma, and from local nurseries.

4. Dig a Hole

The hole should be two or three times the width of the tree you are planting, but not any deeper than the container or root ball. Take the tree out of the container, place it in the hole making sure that the root flare is above the ground. Then add soil back into the hole, gently patting or tamping the soil into the spaces as you go.

Click here to learn more from the Tacoma Tree Foundation.

5. Place mulch around the base of the tree

Make a donut shape with the mulch around the bottom of the tree.

Be sure to leave some space between the mulch and the tree because the bark needs to be able to breathe. 

6. Water

It takes most trees three to five years to get comfortable in their new home. Watering them with 5 gallons of water every few days during the summer helps them grow strong roots, so they live healthy lives.

What are some common trees to plant?

Now go out there, and plant some trees!

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